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ProQuest Historical Newspapers (New York Times)
  • Current UD students, faculty, and staff only
ProQuest Historical Newspapers (New York Times)
  • Current UD students, faculty, and staff only

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25 concurrent users. Full pages and article images with searchable full-text back to the first issue. includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.  (Coverage: 1851-4 years ago) 

More Info

New York Times articles and indexing are also available from:

  • Academic OneFile and General OneFile provide the full text of New York Times articles, 1985 to the present
  • Nexis Uni provides abstracts of articles in the New York Times (Final New York City Edition) from January 1, 1969 to May 31, 1980 and full text from June 1, 1980 to the present.
  • Global Newsstream includes the New York Times, 1980 to the present.