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HIST268: JFK Assassination


Searching through the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) catalog can be EXTREMELY challenging! Please reach out to John and Kaitlyn for help in navigating this resource for your final papers!

Primary Source Collections

Finding primary sources is a multi-step process. There is no "one-stop-shop" database that will give you everything you need for your paper. Follow these tips: 

  • Look at the bibliographies and footnotes from articles and books to see what primary sources those scholars are using for evidence
  • Think and research multiple institutions, archives, or repositories that could have information and collections about your project
  • Use historical language 
  • Keep it simple. Use broad keywords to find sources

When searching for primary source collections online, include the following additional phrases with your first key words: 

  • online collections
  • digital collections
  • digitized collections
  • historical collections

Be aware that digital collections only show a small portion of what an institution holds! 

These links are to sources held here at the University of Delaware Library Special Collections. To use Special Collections items, visit the Reading Room on the second floor of Morris Library, right off of the Atrium. Special Collections is open Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. More information can be found at