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HDFS230: Families and Their Communities

Tips for Database Searching

Searching in databases is a bit different from searching in Google Scholar.  

Tip 1:  Search with words, not ideas.

Any time you are searching a database, try to think flexibly about possible words to use for the search. Think about all the ways that an idea could be described, and make a list: 

ex: domestic violence, intimate partner violence, interventions, treatment, education, support, etc.

Tip 2: Combine search words with AND

Use AND to combine different ideas that you wish to find in the same article:

ex:  parents and education and autism

Tip 3: Use quotes when searching for exact phrases

Using quotes around phrases instructs the database to search for the exact words in the phrase, in that exact order.  It's a good way to get specific.

ex:  "Trauma informed practices" or "early childhood education"

Where to Search