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Altmetrics in CVs and Résumés

Here are a few examples of how altmetrics information has been included in CVs and résumés. Note how each writer gives some context for the metrics instead of raw numbers or scores alone.

Ethan White, Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, University of Florida

Example of a citation with appended information "OA, Preprint, Top 1% of articles for online impact"

screenshot of citation example

Scott R. Loss, Natural Resource Ecology & Management, Oklahoma State University

Screencap of a resume that includes the statement "Paper ranked #62 globally on Altmetric 2013 top 100 of academic research"

screencap of resume example

Marie Soressi, Archaeology, Leiden University

Citation with the information "Paper scored 27th out of 19,867 PNAS papers in Altmetric score, which is our measure of the quality and quantity of online attention that it has received" (plus URL to metrics)

screenshot of citation example