Searches can be done on company name or ticker symbol, industry code/description (SIC or NAICS), subjects in article, geographic search, or personal name. Searches can be limited by journal name, date range, or content area.
Containing millions of company and individual filings, EDGAR benefits investors, corporations, and the U.S. economy overall by increasing the efficiency, transparency, and fairness of the securities markets. The system processes about 3,000 filings per day, serves up 3,000 terabytes of data to the public annually, and accommodates 40,000 new filers per year on average.
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All reports in this collection are updated between 1 and 4 times a year.
Features a vast, indexed collection of more than a century’s worth of global corporate and industry related documents. Contains hundreds of thousands of reports covering over 100 countries and industries.
Contains a wide-range of bond data, including both issuer and issue-level terms and conditions, and end-of-day evaluated prices for U.S. taxable bonds, municipal bonds, and retail notes
Vendor Lyrasis. Publisher LexisNexis.
Many cases are accompanied by instructor-only teaching notes with suggested teaching strategies, target audience, and possible responses to discussion questions that can help facilitate classroom discussion.
Information about investments, including stocks, mutual funds, options, and convertible securities, as well as special situation stocks.
NOTE: eStatement Studies is used to see financials for a business sector, not financials for a particular company.
Current and historical Associated Press photographs, graphics, and text materials.