In Library resources, the words "theses" or "thesis" used alone includes both doctoral dissertations and master's theses.
The University of Delaware began granting doctoral degrees in 1948. The Library has copies of or online access to all dissertations.
Beginning July 2005, all University of Delaware theses are submitted digitally. Neither the Library nor the University Archives have print or microfilm copies. Copies are not available for loan.
Use the library catalog, DELCAT, to search for all print or microform copies of master’s theses 1980 – 2009 that are NOT available in Dissertations and Theses @ University of Delaware. For dissertations and theses from 2007 and later, it is possible, using Advanced Search, to limit by academic department.
In Library resources, the words "theses" or "thesis" used alone includes both doctoral dissertations and master's theses.