The Patents Video
LOCATION: Morris Library - Media - Lower Level (VHS 4143)
Provides an overview of the process of securing U.S. and foreign patent rights.
With accompanying text. 40 minutes.
Patents, the search begins
LOCATION: Morris Library - Media - Lower Level (VHS 870)
A very brief overview of how a patent search is done. A good introduction to the basic
principles involved, recommended for first time patent searchers. 15 minutes.
Avoiding the patent expense
LOCATION: Morris Library - Media - Lower Level (VHS 2843)
Explains how to determine when a patent is a good investment, what questions to ask a patent
attorney, how to get investors to pay for a patent, and how to make a patent work to the inventor's
Effects of GATT and NAFTA on PTO practice
LOCATION: Morris Library - Media - Lower Level (VHS 3666)
Discusses patent practice changes resulting from legislation for the NAFTA (December 1993) and
GATT Uruguay Round (December 1994) and their impact on the 20-year patent term for existing and
future patents. Also discusses the new type of provisional patent application. 62 minutes.
A Bicentennial Tribute: women inventors and the patent system
LOCATION: Morris Library - Media - Lower Level (VHS 1838)
Focuses on the exhibit honoring women inventors which opened the Bicentennial Celebration
activities in January 1990. 20 minutes.