Today's News Journal has a long and complex history that includes multiple title changes and mergers as well as daily, weekly, morning, and evening editions. For more detailed information, please consult: Union List of Newspapers in Delaware (Delaware Newspaper Project) which provides detailed holdings of newspapers and their relationships in libraries in Delaware.
1814 Delaware Gazette
1814-1820 Delaware Gazette and Peninsula Advertiser
1820-1828 Delaware Gazette
Merged with the Delaware Patriot and American Watchman
1828-1837 Delaware Gazette and American Watchman
Absorbed the Delaware Weekly Advertiser and Farmer’s Journal
1837-1883 Delaware Gazette (operated as a weekly)
But also produced the Wilmington Daily Gazette (1872-1874) and the Daily Gazette (1874-1883)
1873 Merged with the Delaware State Journal
1875-1879 Morning Herald
1878-1928 Every Evening, Wilmington Daily Commercial (daily)
1880 Daily Morning News
1880-1913 Morning News
1883-1902 Delaware Gazette and State Journal (weekly)
1913-1966 Wilmington Morning News
1928-1932 Every Evening
Merged with the Evening Journal (1888-1932)
1933-1934 Evening Journal and Every Evening
1934-1960 Journal-Every Evening
1960-1989 Evening Journal
Merged with the Wilmington Morning News
1989-present News Journal
Morning Herald: v. 1 (1875) - v. 3 (1877), v. 5 (1877) - v. 7 (1878), v. 10 (1878) - v. 12 (1878), v. 14 (1879)
Daily Morning News: v. 1 (1880) - v. 2 (1880)
Morning News: v. 2 (1880) - v. 64 (1913)
Wilmington Morning News: v. 64 (1913) - v. 169 (1966)
Morning News: 1966 - 1989
News Journal: 1989 - present
Wilmington Evening Journal: no. 1 (1888) - 45th year, no. 168 (1932)
Evening Journal and Every Evening: 1933 - 1934
Wilmington Journal-Every Evening: 1934 - 1960
Evening Journal: 1960 - 1988
Both papers had Saturday editions until September 1, 1975, when the Morning News and the Evening Journal changed to Monday-Friday only. Subsequently the Saturday and Sunday editions were named News Journal and are at Microfilm S 7.
From January 3, 1989 to April 14, 1989, both papers were called News Journal, but there was still a separate evening edition published, located at Microfilm S 39. Subsequently there was one daily morning newspaper, the Wilmington News Journal.