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EBSCO eBooks: Downloading, Printing, and Copying

Copying and Printing Tips

  • The number of pages may vary depending on individual publisher-specified limits.
  • If you have reached your printing limit, the option to print or save eBook pages will be temporarily unavailable.

Copying and Printing

Up to 100 pages of an EBSCO eBook can be saved or emailed as a PDF file (per user) from within the eBook viewer to be printed at a later time.


  • The number of pages may vary depending on individual publisher-specified limits.
  • If you have reached your printing limit, the option to print or save eBook pages will be temporarily unavailable.

To save eBooks pages as a PDF:

  1. Open the eBook in the eBook Full Text viewer.

  2. Go to the first page of the section of pages you would like to print and click the Save Pages in the tools menu above.

    The Save Pages to PDF menu is displayed.

    Save Pages of an eBook Menu
  3. Select to include in the PDF:

    • Current Page: Save only the page you are viewing.
    • Current Page and the next XX pages: Enter the number of pages (up to 60) in the field provided.
    • This Section: Select to save the entire section or chapter of the eBook. (If available to select)
  4. Select:

    • Save PDF: To save the selected pages to your computer.
    • Send as an E-mail: To e-mail the selected pages as a PDF file to yourself.
  5. Open the saved PDF and use the Adobe Print function to print out your saved pages.

Note: eBook pages saved as a PDF can be transferred to, and read on eReader devices such as the Nook or Kindle. Consult your device's user manual for instructions on how to manually transfer files to the device.