Covers the worlds literature in geology and the geosciences. GeoRef covers the geology of North America since 1785 and the geology of the rest of the world since 1933. Citations to articles, some with abstracts, in 40 languages. Also includes books, maps, reports, most U.S. Geological Survey publications and U.S. and Canadian masters theses and doctoral dissertations. (Coverage: North America 1785 -- ; other areas of the world 1933 --)
Millions of full-text documents in electrical engineering, electronics, and computer science from IEEE and its publishing partners. Includes access to IEEE journals, magazines, conferences, and standards, as well as IET journals, magazines, and conferences. (Coverage: 1998- present | select content 1872- present)
Comprehensive reporting and analysis on “hot topics” in the news. Each single-themed report is researched and written by a seasoned journalist, footnoted and professionally fact checked. (Coverage: 1923 --)
Indexing for over 1,300 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals, including more than 200 titles in full-text. Covers federal and state cases, laws and regulations, legal practice and taxation, as well as British Commonwealth, European Union, and international law. (Coverage: 1980 --)
Full-text information from news, business, and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. Though not required, you have the option to create a personal account that will give you access to special features such as alerts, saved searches, folders, history, annotations and more.
Vendor Lyrasis. Publisher LexisNexis.
Covers public policy issues and emphasizes factual and statistical information. Print and electronic journals in the social sciences are indexed with particular attention to articles that bear on public policy, administration and legislation. Business topics are covered, with emphasis on economic factors, industry surveys, business-societal interactions and similar issues, rather than details of business operations. (Coverage: 1915 --)
Full text of business and financial journals, including essential scholarly journals and the most important trade journals.
Journals, investment reports, directory listings and newswire releases, as well as indexing of national newspapers.
Excellent source of information on management theories, business law, key industries, mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, international trade, new technologies, small and emerging companies, marketing and advertising, job-hunting strategies, and banking.
Indexed bibliography, with selected abstracts, of publications on economics
The American Economic Associations electronic bibliography of economics literature throughout the world. Contains abstracts, indexing, and links to full-text articles. Provides comprehensive information on accounting, capital markets, econometrics, economic forecasting, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics and more. (Coverage: 1886 --)
Indexes and abstracts the statistical content of selected U. S. and state government publications, business and association publications and intergovernmental publications. Abstracts may contain a link to the full- text of the table and/or a link to the agency's website where the full-text of the publication may be viewed and downloaded.
Comprehensive access to United States legislative information.
House and Senate Documents and Reports, constituting a rich set of primary source documents. Covers a variety of topics and may include reports of executive departments and independent organizations, reports of special investigations, etc. (Coverage: 1817-1994)
The U.S. Congressional Serial Set is bound by session of Congress. It began publication with the 15th Congress, 1st Session (1817). Documents before 1817 are found in the American State Papers, which can be accessed via the A-Z Databases page. The Serial Set does not include Congressional hearings and debates.
House and Senate Reports are usually from congressional committees dealing with proposed legislation and issues under investigation. They include all other papers ordered printed by the House or Senate. Documents cover a wide variety of topics and may include reports of executive departments and independent organizations, reports of special investigations made for Congress, and annual reports of non-governmental organizations. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Executive branch materials were also published in the Serial Set.
After 1994, GPO and the Library of Congress provide digital access to most of the continuing Serial Set materials.
It is possible to search the U.S. Congressional Serial Set Maps directly.
This collection can also be searched on Readex AllSearch, an integrated platform that combines Readex’s primary sources into a single cross-searchable interface.
A premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from scholarly journals and other authoritative sources. Also includes thousands of podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN, as well as videos from BBC Worldwide Learning. (Coverage: 1980 --)
A reference and citation index comprised of several databases that can be searched as a whole or individually. Provides access to data from scholarly literature in the arts and humanities, sciences, and social sciences as published in academic journals, conference proceedings, seminars and other documents in various academic disciplines. To search in a subset rather than all components at once, select a database and then select the desired index or indices in the “Editions” dropdown menu.