Choose the Shepard's citator for the type of case you have. Include all the softcover supplements.
Find the volume and page of the case you are Shepardizing.
Use the volume numbers shown in the sideheads on each page to speed your search. On the appropriate page, use the boldface numbers to find the case you seek, as in the example below, volume 386 page 780.
Cited cases will be listed followed by case name, decision date, parallel citations in parentheses (legal citations to the same case in other reporters), and the citing references.
What is a citator?
A citator is an online tool that helps to track the history of a case and the treatment of the case in subsequent courts. Citators allow you to see if the law is in good standing and acts as a research tool to help you identify cases which have cited the case you are viewing and secondary sources.
There are two types of citators that we have access to at UD:
Shepard's - Nexis Uni
KeyCite - Westlaw
Scroll down this page to see how this is done in each database.
Vendor Lyrasis. Publisher LexisNexis.
These are the symbols that Nexis Uni uses to Shepardize a document.
When you are looking for a case, you can "Shepardize" the document. You can see how it appears in Nexis Uni on the screenshot below.
Here is what KeyCite looks like after clicking on the red or yellow flag: