The Unidel History of Chemistry Collection contains nearly three thousand primary sources in the history of chemistry. A comprehensive collection of resources related to alchemy, pharmacy, medical botany, and applications such as dyeing, bleaching and distillation.
Rechter Gebrauch d'Alchimei. Kunst-Büchlein, oder, Gründlicher Gebrauch von Etz-Arbeit, in und ausserhalb Feuers aus Alchymischen und natürlichen Grunde, nehmlich, Härten, Weichen, Schmeltzen, Scheiden, Abtreiben, Probieren, Löten, Etzen, Abformen, Abgiessen, &c. Franckfurth ; Leipzig : Verlegts Johann Caspar Meyer, 1687.
Libavius, Andreas. Alchymistische Practic, das ist, von künstlicher Zubereytung der vornembsten chymischen Medicinen. Getruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn: Bey Johann Saurn in Verlegung Petri Kopffen, 1603.
Boyle, Robert. The sceptical chymist: or chymico-physical doubts & paradoxes, touching the experiments whereby vulgar spargirists are wont to endeavour to evince their salt, sulphur and mercury, to be the true principles of things. Oxford, Printed by Henry Hall for Ric. Davis, and B. Took, 1680.
Priestley, Joseph. Experiments and observations on different kinds of air. London: J. Johnson, 1775.
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MSS 621 Allan P. Colburn notebooks
MSS 422 William John Williams papers