DELCAT is the catalog for the University of Delaware Library System. It contains print and electronic books, articles, and videos on a wide variety of academic topics.
Citations and abstracts to articles in education journals and documents. Full-text available via GetIt! for UD Library subscribed titles. Also contains resources on training and development; library and information science. (Coverage: 1966 --)
Many other disciplines are closely tied to the study of education. The following databases, while not specific to education, can be helpful for education researchers:
Can also be searched as part Social Services Abstracts.
These databases cover materials in all subjects, including education, and can be excellent choices for exploring interdisciplinary topics.
Learn more about using Scopus at Elsevier's Scopus LibGuide..
This streaming video collection is designed for educators and students to teach and learn key concepts and fundamental scientific techniques through video demonstrations. Subject-based collections cover a wide range of STEM subjects.
JoVE Video Journal is a companion to JoVE Science Education. It is a video methods journal consisting of video demonstrations and detailed text protocols in the physical and life sciences.
This database is a subset of the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database. It contains only University of Delaware dissertations and theses. See below for detailed information about included dates and content coverage.
Use the library catalog, DELCAT, to search for all print or microform copies of master’s theses 1980 – 2009 that are NOT available in Dissertations and Theses @ University of Delaware. For dissertations and theses from 2007 and later, it is possible, using Advanced Search, to limit by academic department.
The world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.