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MATESOL Orientation

Natural Language Searching

Natural Language Searching refers to the ability to search for information using natural speech patterns. For example:

  • "What are some reasons that students drop out of college?"

Google will be able to interpret that question and provide reasonably accurate results.

Keyword Searching is when you take the same question, but only search with the most important words in the question. 

  • Keywords: College, dropout, reasons

In library databases, it helps to be more specific instead of less specific. A good search strategy is to look for the reasons in Google, but then use the reasons you find as specific keywords in library databases.

  • Specific Keywords: finances, mental health, stress

Google Scholar

When using Google Scholar, it helps to have the UD Get It link enabled to make finding your articles through the library easier.  

1) Go to google scholar and click on Settings Image of the settings icon

2) Click on Library Links from the left hand navigation column, type in University of Delaware, and check off the box next to Get It.

Screenshot of Google Scholar settings page with highlighting around Library Links, the search bar with the words "University of Delaware" Typed in, and the check box next to Get It.