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ANTH 204 Intro to Social Science Research Methods in Anthropology

Find Sources

Select a relevant database related to your topic. 

  • Perform a search using different combinations of keywords you identified when exploring your topic. 
  • Note SUBJECT TERMS listed in articles of interest. Consider adding those into your search.
  • Use the CITE tool on the source page to save citations of sources you want to explore further.
  • Download the PDF of the articles you want to read. 

Search in DELCAT for books and articles on your topic

  • Use the CITE button to save the citation for sources you want to explore further.
  • Use the PERMALINK button to save a link to the catalog record so you can get back to it quickly.

TIP: The easiest way to get back to articles you didn't download but have the citation for is to paste just the title into the DELCAT search box. You can then download the article or use the SHARE button to save a stable link to get back to it. 

Subject & Multidisciplinary Databases

If researchers from many different fields may write about your topic, it's a good idea to search in a multidisciplinary database.