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MEEG401/BMEG460: Engineering Senior Design

Specific Standards Development Organizations

This section includes select, major standards bodies related to engineering and technology. It contains a large number of professional societies that have multiple functions and develop standards as part of their organization's mission. The focus here is only on their standards work. Individual, full-text standards in print and/or digital formats are available for purchase from every standards body listed.

  • ASTM International (formerly the American Society for Testing and Materials) ASTM develops and publishes national and international standards for materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM standards are used in a variety of industries, including aircraft, chemical, construction, consumer product, energy, highway, metals, testing solutions, automotive, health care services, technology, and textiles. ASTM offers institutional access to their standards, other ASTM publications, and standards from other standards bodies (AASHTO, etc) through the online platform ASTM Compass.