A reference and citation index comprised of several databases that can be searched as a whole or individually. Provides access to data from scholarly literature in the arts and humanities, sciences, and social sciences as published in academic journals, conference proceedings, seminars and other documents in various academic disciplines. To search in a subset rather than all components at once, select a database and then select the desired index or indices in the “Editions” dropdown menu.
A citation and abstracting database covering thousands of active titles, primarily peer-reviewed journals. Also includes eBooks, major reference works and graduate level textbooks. Emphasis on social sciences, arts and humanities, but also includes science, technology and medicine. Includes thousands of Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, book series, and patents. (Coverage: Primarily 1970-present. Some pre-1970 records going back to 1788)
Learn more about using Scopus at Elsevier's Scopus LibGuide..
Includes METADEX, Copper and Polymer Library databases and provides full-text titles from around the world.
Millions of full-text documents in electrical engineering, electronics, and computer science from IEEE and its publishing partners. Includes access to IEEE journals, magazines, conferences, and standards, as well as IET journals, magazines, and conferences. (Coverage: 1998- present | select content 1872- present)
Google Scholar is a search engine specifically for scholarly journal articles. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities.
You can access the full text of articles from open-access journals and preprint repositories, as well as preprints on the Web. Use on the Google Scholar search results page to access the full text of articles from subscription journals if you or the University of Delaware has a subscription to the content.
Google Scholar is only one of many ways to identify and access scholarly publications. Consult the Electronic Journals page to search a specific engineering journals.
Library video tutorials:
Google Scholar tutorial (4 mins)
Get It! (2 mins)