An extensive online library of full-text content from leading publishers and societies. Covers engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, earth and environmental sciences, and more.
DELCAT - the Library Catalog
Start with the DELCAT single search box (see above) to find books, journals and media held by the University of Delaware Library as well as material held by other libraries worldwide. You can then manipulate your results by using facets such as format, subject, author, or date.
Advanced Searching in DELCAT
In the Advanced Search interface, you have more options in combining your search terms and in limiting your search to specific fields (Title, Author, Subject, etc.). Searching by subject can be very helpful to focus the results. Look at the subject headings listed in your results to find applicable terms to use in subsequent searches.
For more information about how to locate a book in the library using a call number, please see How To Read A Call Number.