A listing of online journals and magazines for the Environmental Sciences. Most titles can be accessed from off campus by current UD faculty, staff, and students. You may be prompted for your UDelNetID and password.
From Off Campus
Most Library online resources can be accessed from off campus by current UD faculty, staff, and students. When using links on these pages, you may be prompted for your UDelNetID and password. If you encounter problems accessing Library databases, e-journals, or e-books, use the UD proxy login page.
EndNote Online
EndNote Online, also called EndNote Basic, is a Web-based service designed to help students and researchers through the process of writing a research paper.
Provides a way for you to...
Quickly and easily collect reference information from a wide variety of online data sources such as PubMed and Web of Science via direct export, online search, or importing text files.
Store up to 50,000 references in your own password-protected library, accessible anywhere that you have internet access.
Share references with other EndNote users to simplify collaboration.
Cite While You Write in Microsoft Word to insert references and format papers instantly.