Krislov, Samuel. How Nations Choose Product Standards and Standards Change Nations. Pittsburgh, Pa. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997.
LOCATION: Morris Library (T59 .K75)
An up to date overview of standards and the standardization process. Includes the history of standards in this country and abroad, descriptions of different standards systems, profiles of standards setters, and information related to standards and standardization.
Ricci, Patricia L., and Linda Perry. Standards: A Resource Guide for Identification, Selection, and Acquisition. Minneapolis, Minn: Stirtz, Bernards & Company, 1990.
LOCATION: Morris Library - Reference (Ref T59 .R53x 1990)
A listing of organizations (national and international), libraries, information centers, union lists, vendors, consultants, conferences, newsletters, bibliographies, and other information sources related to standards. Contains addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and other information as appropriate.
Rothery, Brian. Standards and Certification in Europe. Brookfield, Vt.: Gower Publishing, Ltd., 1996.
LOCATION: Morris Library (T59.2 .E8 R68)
A concise guide to standards and certification in Europe, including a history of the subject, information on directives, regulations, testing, and certification.
Sullivan, Charles D. Standards and Standardization: Basic Principles and Applications. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1983.
LOCATION: Morris Library - Reference (Ref T59 .S795)
A broad overview of the field of standards and standardization. Contains information on the history, different types, preparation, and uses of standards. Also has information on standards organizations in both the United States and other countries.
Zuckerman, Amy. International Standards Desk Reference. New York: AMACOM, 1997.
LOCATION: Morris Library - Reference (Ref HF1416 .Z78)
Standards information on world markets, ISO 9000, CE Mark, QS-9000, SSM, ISO 14000, Q9000, American, European, and global standards systems. Concentrates on standards associated with commerce.