When you use a library search tool to find sources, there are a few different scenarios you might encounter when trying to get full text.
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Databases included: CAplus (Chemical Abstracts), REGISTRY, CASREACT (chemical reactions database), CHEMCATS (commercially available chemical information), CHEMLIST (regulated chemical information), and MEDLINE (biomedical literature worldwide).
Google Scholar is only one of many ways to identify and access scholarly publications. Consult the Databases page or the Electronic Journalspage for other possibilities.
Place quotation marks around keyword phrases
"laser inventor"
Capitalize Boolean logic connectors (AND, OR).
dispute OR controversy
laser AND biography
Combine and group terms with Boolean logic connectors
"laser inventor" AND (dispute OR controversy)
Use the Search filters for more relevant results
Author/Creator / contains / theodore
Subject / contains exact phrase / lasers history
Subject / contains exact phrase / chemistry -- history