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International Students and Scholars

Citing your Sources

The University of Delaware Library has a number of research guides that explain how to cite your sources and give authors the appropriate credit for their work.  We also provide information about how you can use citation management tools to help you create bibliographies (or Works Cited Pages) as well as in text citations.  Within the guides listed below, you will find the names and contact information for librarians who can assist you with learning more about citing your sources.

Library Research Guides for Citing Sources:

Academic Honesty is addressed in the UD Student Code of Conduct. The excerpts below come from the UD Student Code of Conduct.  Any violation of this standard must be reported to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution.  

The sanctions for academic honesty policy violations can be severe, ranging from a lowered grade on the assignment, to removal from the course, or being issued a failing grade for the course.  To avoid such outcomes, please remember to follow the UD Student Code of Conduct.

Academic Honesty

    1. Statement of Policy

Students must be honest and forthright in their academic studies. To falsify the results of one’s research, to steal the words or ideas of another, to cheat on an assignment, or to allow or assist another to commit these acts corrupts the educational process. Students are expected to do their own work and neither give nor receive unauthorized assistance….

    1. Academic Violations
      1. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the inclusion of someone else’s words, ideas, images, or data as one’s own. When a student submits academic work that includes another’s words, ideas, images, or data, whether published or unpublished, the source of that information must be acknowledged with complete and accurate references and, if verbatim statements are included, with quotation marks as well… 

      1. Fabrication

Fabrication is the use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings…

      1. Cheating

Cheating is an act or an attempted act of deception by which a student seeks to misrepresent that they have mastered information that has not been mastered. Cheating includes, but is not limited to copying all or any portion of another’s academic work and submitting it, in part or in its entirety, as one’s own…

The great news is that the library can help you cite your sources and avoid these violations!