Databases allow you to search the contents of scholarly journals, as well as other materials. Some databases, such as JSTOR and Web of Science, cover a wide variety of topics. Others focus on the scholarship in a specific subject field.
Visit the Databases page to search for a particular database by name or to choose a subject category. Librarians can help you with recommended databases for specific topics.
Indexing, abstracts and citations for hundreds of periodicals on art, art history and related disciplines. (Coverage: Abstracts, 1984 --, Indexes, 1929-1984)
Subjects include art history and criticism, architecture and architectural history, archaeology, antiques, museum studies, graphic arts, industrial design, landscape architecture, interior design, folk art, painting, photography, pottery, sculpture, decorative arts, costume design, television and video, motion pictures, advertising art, non-western art, textiles, and related fields.
Provides indexing of academic journals dating back to 1954, with some coverage for titles back to the early 20th century.
Can be searched in conjunction with the MLA Directory of Periodicals, which contains all information available on journals and series on the Bibliographys Master List. The Directory of Periodicals is included in the Bibliography.
Indexing and abstracts for over 400 international music periodicals, plus full-text for over 200 journals. Scholarly and popular music journals included. (Coverage: c. 1996 - present. Retrospective indexing back to 1874.)
Bliographic database covering scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. (Coverage: 1940 --)
Contains thousdand of law-related journals on a variety of subjects, all dating back to inception with over 90% available through the current issue or volume. Subject related collections are often curated and made available.
Citations to articles in English-language periodicals. Covers some of the best-known scholarly journals and numerous lesser-known, but important specialized magazines. Subjects include a wide range of interdisciplinary fields covered in a broad array of humanities and social sciences journals. (Coverage: 1907-1984)
Can also be searched as part Social Services Abstracts.
Google Scholar can be useful for finding scholarly journal articles, books, dissertations, and technical reports when you're having trouble choosing the right terms to find what you need in subject databases. As you know from using Google, you will get some fairly relevant results no matter what you enter into the search box.