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HIST104: World History

Finding Books and Articles

Basic Search Tips

  • Place quotation marks around keyword phrases

"trench warfare"
"Iranian Coup"

  • Capitalize Boolean logic connectors (AND, OR).

narrative OR plot
"American Involvement" AND World War I

  • Click either "View all formats and languages" or "View all editions" to view all library holdings for a particular title.
  • If we do not have a book or article, you can request it from another university through InterLibrary Loan. 

Here are a list of common keywords that you might consider adding to your search to help you find the best results on your topic: 

  • Immigration
  • Migration
  • Chain Migration
  • Illegal Alien 
  • Refugees
  • Diaspora 
  • Emigration 

You can search within both of these databases simultaneously if you wish. 

Tips & Tricks for Searching for Articles

Finding articles within databases and journals is not the same process you would use to conduct a search in Google or an internet search engine. You cannot type in a question, but rather need to choose specific keywords and phrases to find results. These tips are similar to how you would search for material in DELCAT. 

Helpful Ways to Search: 

  • Use quotations around a phrase to "tell" the database or journal that you want these words to remain together.
    • Ex: "American exceptionalism" 
  • Think of synonyms to your keywords...Especially when conducting historical research, you may need to develop words and phrases that were used during that particular time period, rather than modern-day words.
    • Ex: World War I; First World War; The Great War - All would give you different results! 
  • Use AND/OR to connect words, concepts, and phrases together to receive specified results.
    • Ex: World War I AND United States

Use the Advanced Search option in databases and journals to narrow down by date, region, type of document, and more!