Welcome to the History Video Research Guide! This guide will help direct you to a list of American Experience videos available via the Library, Museums and Press's Film & Video Collection. Use the side navigation toolbar to locate a selected list of videos that can be used for class projects, lesson plans, clips, and more!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us!
The list of videos you will find on this guide is located in the Film & Video Collection, found on the Lower Level of Morris Library. Due to space considerations, the Film & Video Collection is maintained on compact shelving in a closed area and is not physically "browseable." (For tools to browse virtually, visit the Finding Films page.) Bring the call number or title of the DVD or VHS with you to borrow or view onsite, or ask at the service desk for assistance. Viewing stations are available for those who may not have access to a VHS or DVD player. DVD drives are available for circulation at the Student Multimedia Design Center, which is located adjacent to the Film & Video Collection.