Access millions of tracks and thousands of CDs representing the entire Naxos and Marco Polo catalogs plus the complete catalogs or selected titles from hundreds of record labels. Additional labels continue to join. Along with classical music, jazz, world and pop/rock are also represented.
Free NML apps for iOS and Android are available. To use them, you must create a playlist in Naxos Music Library. The NML app is tied to the username and password created when you set up the playlist.
The acquisition of the Naxos Music Library database was enabled through the support of the Henry Newton Lee, Jr. Family Library Music Fund.
Multidisciplinary collection of audiovisual content. Allows users to analyze content from hundreds of producers and distributors from around the world. Contains multiple collections, genres, and subjects. See below for additional information.
Collections and subject areas include: American Music, Classical Music, Contemporary World Music, Jazz Music, Popular Music, and Smithsonian Global Sound. Also includes collections by performer or ensemble.
Allows users to create custom playlists and clips.