Step 1: Install app: OverDrive app or Amazon Kindle Reading.
Step 2: Check out an eBook from OverDrive eBooks.
Step 3: Download the book and enjoy!
A free Amazon account is required to log in to a Kindle or Kindle Reading app and use OverDrive eBooks on computers and portable devices.
To create a new account go to and mouse over Hello-Sign In-Your Account (top right). Click Start Here (under the yellow Sign In button) and follow the instructions.
To associate the account with a device, go to Menu, Settings, Registration and log in.
To download a Kindle book from a browser:
1. From the bookshelf, tap the plus sign next to the title being returned.
2. Tap Return/Delete to display the return options.
3. Tap Return then Delete to return the title to the University of Delaware Library.
The eBooks can be returned early from the Your Kindle Library section of Manage Your Kindle at
If a Kindle customer, install a Amazon Kindle Reading app to read Kindle format eBooks.
An Amazon Kindle account will be needed. To create a new account, go to and mouse over Hello-SignIn-YourAccount (top right). Click Start Here (under the yellow Sign In button) and follow the instructions provided.