Step 1: Obtain an Adobe ID.
Step 2: Install Adobe Digital Editions or OverDrive app.
Step 3: Check out an EPUB or PDF eBook from OverDrive eBooks.
Step 4: Download the book and enjoy!
A free Adobe ID is required in order to use the OverDrive Media Console app for portable devices and to install Adobe Digital Editions on multiple computers and/or devices (up to six). Go to, click Sign In and follow the directions.
To download Adobe Digital Editions on a computer, click the Adobe Digital Editions button in the Getting Started box at OverDrive eBooks or go directly to the Adobe Digital Editions website.
Choose Download Adobe Digital Editions. Click Download Now (top right under Next Steps) and then Launch.
Users without an Adobe ID who plan to authorize multiple computers and/or portable devices should click Get an Adobe ID Online when they see the Authorization screen and follow the instructions provided.
Users of Nook HD, Nook HD+, Nook Tablet and Nook Color can borrow eBooks wirelessly using the OverDrive Media Console app.
Visit the Nook Apps storefront to install the free app.
Go to OverDrive.
Click Sign In and type the UDelNet ID and password. Click Sign In.
Search for an eBook in the search box in the upper-right side of the page. Find a title that has an Adobe EPUB or PDF eBook format available. (Most people prefer the EPUB format.)
Click the selected title to see it on the details page. Next to the Adobe EPUB or PDF format, click Add to Cart or Place a Hold.
The book is now checked out and will be displayed on the Bookshelf. Click Download.
Choose save, open or cancel the file. Click Open.
Once the Nook is plugged into the computer, a message should appear: "If you want to use your Nook and continue charging, please choose Eject from the menu for the Nook drive on your computer." This means the Nook is ready to receive an eBook from the computer.
The first time the Nook is plugged into the computer, a device set-up assistant box appears on the Adobe Digital Editions screen. Click Authorize Device. If prompted, supply the (personal) Adobe ID and password. A message confirms that the device has been successfully authorized. Click Finished. (Devices only need to be authorized once.)
A Nook icon (or the title of your Nook) should appear underneath the Bookshelves in the left pane of Adobe Digital Editions.
Click the image of the eBook to be transferred and drag it onto the Nook icon on the left. The eBook will copy to your Nook.
Nook 1st Edition:
Go to My Library. Go to My Documents. The new eBook will be listed. Click the eBook title to open it and begin reading.
Nook Touch:
Tap Library. Make sure All is selected from the drop-down box near the upper-left corner. Tap the eBook to open it and begin reading.
Nook Color / Nook Tablet:
Tap the Up arrow to show the menu. Tap Library. Tap My Stuff. Tap My Files. Tap Digital Editions. Tap the eBook to open it and begin reading.
To return an eBook early, open Adobe Digital Editions on the computer. When in Library View, mouse over the image of the book.