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WOMS389 Reproductive Health and Justice

Search Strategies

Spending some time planning out your search can help yield more relevant results on your topic. 

First, identify the main concepts of your topic. 

What barriers do lesbian couples experience with fertility assistance and parental rights?

Next, brainstorm synonyms and related terms for your main concepts. 

Do some initial searches online, in reference databases, or try an initial search in a database and explore subject terms that are used in relevant articles. Still not sure what keywords to use? Ask a peer, your professor, or a librarian

lesbians OR LGBTQ+ OR gay 

"fertility assistance" OR IVF OR IUI OR "artificial insemination" 

Databases for Background Research

Marginalized Voices Honeycomb

The Marginalized Voices Honeycomb offers 6 broad categories of sources that can be publishing work on your topic. Fill out the honeycomb with the names of relevant sources that would be engaging with your topic.

Diagram for the Marginalized Voices Honeycomb. In the center is the Topic and branching off from the topic is different types of voices including academic voices, news media, community voices, association and organization reports, public sector reports, and stakeholders and allies.  

Academic Voices  Journal articles, monographs, conference proceedings/presentations, theses and dissertations
News Media Local, community-based, or national reporting. Newspapers, videos, audio, etc.
Community Voices Social media, YouTube videos, podcasts, blogs, forums
Association and Organization Reports Information publicized by associations and organizations whose operations are related to your topic
Public Sector Reports Government publications, publications from Indigenous self-governance groups, social services like policing, healthcare, etc. 
Stakeholders and Allies  Communities, organizations, nonprofit organizations, companies, etc. affected by or connected to the topic 

Created by Jackie Stapleton, Liaison Librarian, University of Waterloo
Adapted by: Aneta Kwak, Mikayla Redden, Jeff Newman, Liaison Librarians, University of Toronto. 
Last update: March 2023