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Stone carving of an angel holding a skull and a banner underneath with the word Anthropology written on it.

This guide provides information on library resources for social and cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, and archaeology. Click on the side tabs to explore these areas of anthropological research.

Getting Started

The process of conducting research is supposed to spark curiosity and set you on a path of exploration. Research is not a linear process. It requires a constant evaluation of your sources, rethinking what search terms to use, and thinking beyond your discipline.
Sign post with the word Research written on itSteps for the Research Process:
1. Think of an idea or topic that interests you or an area you would like to explore more. 
2. Develop a research question or idea you want to explore -- Example: What effects does social media have on culture?  
3. Conduct background research in Google or Credo to find common phrases, events, or words.
4. Develop keywords. Think about how you can narrow and focus your research question. My example question is a tad broad...How can I narrow it down? -- Example: "Social Media" AND Privacy; "Communication technologies" AND "mental health" 
5. Begin searching for sources (See additional tabs)
6. By analyzing your sources, what argument or thesis statement can you create to help answer your initial question? 


What are scholarly sources?

Chart displaying the peer-review process. Text of chart reads the following steps: write article, submit article to journal, journal sends to reviewers, edit article, resubmit article, article is published! Usually takes at least months.

Is my article peer-reviewed? I can't tell...

1. Limit your search to peer-reviewed articles only within DELCAT (our catalog) and in databases.
2. Some databases have a link that will tell you more information about the journal, including if it is peer-reviewed.
3. Search for the journal title online and look at the publication process for submission...Does it say peer-reviewed in the description? Does it state a submitted article will go to readers? 
4. When in doubt? Talk to a Librarian!