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SEAL (Special Education Administration Leadership) and PPP (Principal Preparation Program)

Article DELivery Service and Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Through the University of Delaware Article DELivery Service, University of Delaware researchers may request copies of articles and book chapters from materials available in University of Delaware Library print and microform collections. Staff will copy articles or book chapters and deliver them electronically to users’ account.

This service is offered free of charge and items are usually available in 3-4 days.

Access the Article DELivery Service here.

Interlibrary Loan allows you to borrow books and other materials from other libraries.  If you find an item that is not available in DELCAT, you can request it using the Loan Request Form in your Interlibrary Loan account.

Situations you may need this service: 

  • Your professor has assigned articles, but has not uploaded them to Canvas
  • You find an article in DELCAT or a database with no full text
  • You find a book or article through Google or Google Scholar and don't want to pay for it