DELCAT - the Library Catalog
Using the DELCAT search box on the library home page, you can find all resources that are located in, or accessible from, the University of Delaware Library. You can also find resources found in other libraries worldwide that can be accessed online or transferred to our library via Interlibrary Loan. It can be searched simply, as one might use an online search engine, and then results can be manipulated using facets such as Author, Resource Type (articles, books, etc.), Date, or Subject.
Advanced Searching in DELCAT
In the Advanced Search interface, you have more options in combining your search terms and in limiting your search to specific fields (Title, Author, Subject, etc.).
You can go into the stacks and browse through the G section, but because the library's collection is so large, it is often more efficient to search for a title within the catalog first, and then look around that title for other books on the same topic.
The UD Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System to arrange books and print journals on the shelves. This system uses letters and numbers to complete the Call Number. A call number is like an address: it tells us where the book is located in the library.
Books and journals on topics in geography are located largely in the G call number area on the third floor of Morris Library. However, since much of the study of geography is interdisciplinary, you will find various topics of interest to this department in several locations in the library. The following guide may help you browse in this area.
G Geography (General). Atlases. Maps
GA Mathematical geography. Cartography
QB Physical geography: including hydrology and natural disasters
GC Oceanography
GE Environmental Sciences
GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography
QC851-999 Meteorology. Climatology, Including the earth's atmosphere