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Citation Management Tools

Share a Group of References

You can share groups of references with other users, including users at other institutions. However, access to shared groups is read only, so other users cannot modify a group you share.  To share a group

  1. Select the “Organize” tab.
  2. Click the “Share Group” button next to the group you want to share.
  3. Enter or update the e-mail addresses who will share the group. Use the “Enter” or “Return” key to separate addresses.
  4. Press the “Apply” button

Sharing with Users of other Citation Management Tools (Mendeley, RefWorks, or Zotero) -- EndNote desktop version

  1. Go to your EndNote library and then go to File > Export...
  2. Select a location to the file and then, select:
    •  Save as type select Text File (.txt).
    • Output style select RefMan (RIS) Export
    • Uncheck the Export selected references box.
    • Save the file.
  3. This file can be emailed as attachment or uploaded onto a Cloud-based storage system and shared.

The recipient will use the import feature on their citation management tool in order to import the file. They should look for an .ris import option. Please note that attachments will not be included.

Different ways to share an EndNote library (both EndNote Online and the desktop version)