Room 119 is located on the main floor of the Morris Library. It features adjustable workstations/computer tables, a conference table and chairs and soft seating. The room is available for use on a first come, first served basis.
Users with disabilities have physical access to the Morris Library through the main entrance ramp and automated doors. All visitors to the Morris Library are required to have a UD ONEcard to enter the building. The entrance security gates of the Morris Library are wheelchair-accessible.
The elevator located off of the Information Room and the elevator located behind the south atrium stairway are equipped with controls at wheelchair height. The service desk at the HELP CENTER in the Library has been modified to accommodate library users in wheelchairs. Computers, bathrooms and water fountains are also available for wheelchair access. Red phones for emergency assistance are located at each main stairwell exit on each floor.
Handicapped parking spaces are available in the parking lot of the Library's south side. The vehicle should have a UD parking permit or a Visitor Pass and have either a handicapped tag or license plate. If the handicapped spaces are full, parking is allowed in service vehicle spaces. If both designated spaces are full, metered spaces may be used.
Users may view DVDs which are available with closed captioning on four DVD stations in the Film and Video Collection on the Lower Level of the Morris Library.
In instances in which users with disabilities wish to view videos in the Library and require vocal narration or discussion between a viewer and an accompanying assistant, requests to view a video must be given to the Film and Video Collection Department 24 hours in advance. The advance notice will allow library personnel to arrange for a screening site that will not disturb other library users in the viewing carrels.
Users with disabilities who have difficulty using self-service scanners may bring materials to the Student Multimedia Design Center desk on the lower level of the Morris Library. Materials will be scanned by library staff.
University of Delaware Library Users may view their library account information and renew library books online through the "My Library Account" link on the front library page. An authentication will be required with a UDEL Net ID and password. The account has a renew option. Materials borrowed from the University of Delaware Library may also be renewed by calling 831-2455.
Library users who are not able to use the stairs to evacuate the building should move to one of the three interior stairways designated as an Area of Rescue. The stairway landings of the South Central, North Central and East Central interior stair towers on the Lower Level, Second and Third Floors are designated as Areas of Rescue. Each of these stairway landings has a fire protection rating of two hours. Each is marked by a gray sign with a wheel chair symbol to the right of the stairway door. There is also an 11” by 17” sign on the stairway door with the following information. The patron should then tell Public Safety the number on the phone. The number will identify the location of the caller to Public Safety. These phones are located throughout the building near the elevators and stair towers. If needed, there is a red emergency phone located outside Room 119 of the Assistive Technology Center at the stairwell exit.
Students with disabilities and the students’ assistants are encouraged to make appointments with Library staff for orientation and tours of the Morris Library. Users with disabilities requiring a basic introduction in the usage of specialized assistive technologies available in room 119 may schedule an appointment with a librarian. Instruction in advanced features of this technology may be arranged with a staff member at the Office of Disability Support Services in Alison Hall. Use of the braille workstation requires training with the understanding that priority use is reserved for ADA registered students with specific disabilities and ADA personnel.
Library staff can also advise users with disabilities on how the Library can accommodate their needs, including retrieval of materials and photocopying by Library staff. Contact the Research & Engagement Department at 302-831-2432 or email one of the librarians listed below to schedule an appointment with a librarian responsible for assisting users: