The bioengineering literature will be found in different subject areas given its interdisciplinary nature: science (Q), medicine (R) and technology (T). By following the alpha-numeric system of the Library of Congress Classification scheme (see outline), books on similar subjects are kept together on the shelves. The following list can help guide you to different topics. Consult the library floor maps to find the location of the different sections (Q is on the second floor, R and T are on the lower level).
Selected classes and subclasses
Q300-342 Cybernetics
QA76.87 Neural computers: neural networks (in computing)
QH505 Biophysics
QH507 Information theory in biology
QH508 Biological control systems
QH509 Bioelectronics
QH509 Biomechanics
QH513 Fluid mechanics (in biology)
QH513.5 Bioethics
QH332 Bioinformatics
QH324.2 Bioinformatics (genomics)
QP303 Mechanics: Kinesiology
QP363.3 Neural circuitry
R724-726.2 Medical ethics
R856-857 Biomedical engineering. Electronics. Instrumentation
R858-859.7 Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics
RD130 Prosthesis. Artificial organs
RD132 Artificial implants and implant materials
RS199.5-RS201 Pharmaceutical technology; Drug delivery systems
RS210 Drug delivery devices
TA164 Bioengineering
TP248.13-248.65 Biotechnology