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Biomedical Engineering


This guide gathers together recommended sources of information related to biomedical engineering. 

Where to look for books, articles, etc.
  • DELCAT - best bet to find which books (print and electronic) the library owns. Results will also include journals, articles, film, video and other materials belonging to UD's library as well as libraries worldwide. (Video tutorial available.)
  • Google Scholar - quick and easy way to find articles. Use the Get It link to take advantage of the Library subscriptions. TIP - Make sure that the "Library links" under the browser's settings have the University of Delaware checked off, so that you are recognized as having access rights. 
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - use this service for requesting books, journal articles, DVDs, and other items that are needed for research but are not available in any University of Delaware Library collection.
Accessing databases, eBooks, full text articles, etc.

Most Library online resources can be accessed from off campus by current UD faculty, staff and students. When using links on these pages, you may be prompted for your UDelNet ID and password. If you encounter problems accessing Library databases, e-journals, or e-books, please visit the Proxy FAQs for more information. You may also report any issues via the Ask the Library email here.

Keep your citations organized

Two other web-based tools are available: EndNote Online through Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Mendeley through Scopus (Elsevier).  For more information, visit this guide: Citation Management Tools.

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