Use QuickFacts to easily locate a population and economic profile for nation, states, counties, and places.
Tables bring together data from multiple sources, including American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, County Business Patterns, Economic Census, Building Permits, and more.
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The American Community Survey (ACS) is a nationwide survey conducted on an ongoing basis to collect data about the nation, states, counties, and places. The data are released in single-year, 5-year, and 3-year time periods.
The ACS estimates replaces information formerly gathered in the decennial census; data on the "Short form"/sample.
ACS estimates are time periods not a point in time.
Do: express data in time periods
“The child poverty rate for the 2005-2007 period was X percent.”
Do: compare data using same types of estimates
Do: compare estimates using data from the same survey years (periods)
Do: compare data from non-overlapping periods
Example: 2005-2007 ACS 3-year estimate and the 2008-2010 ACS 3-year estimate
Don't: refer to data as a year (use the time period)
Don't: compare estimates from overlapping periods
Example: don't compare 2005-2007 ACS 3-year estimates and 2006-2008 ACS 3-year estimates