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U.S. Census

Census Geography

The Census Bureau reports data for a wide variety of geographic types, ranging from the entire United States down to a Census Block. Some geographic types follow recognized boundaries, such as counties and cities. Others are created by the Census Bureau.

Geography: Reference (Census Bureau)

The diagram shows the many geographic types for which data are available. In general, larger geographic types (e.g., state) are shown near the top and smaller geographic types (e.g., census tract) are shown towards the bottom.


Census Geography: "Help" in Explore Census Data.

Census Area

Image of Census Publication


Print Census reports are located in the Library's Annex, an offsite storage location that is closed to the general public. Most, but not all, of these volumes are listed in DELCAT and can be recalled to view in Morris Library. You can either recall the print material via the DELCAT entry or fill out the Annex Request Form. The Census Area consists of the statistical, informational, and administrative publications from the Census Bureau. Genealogical information, such as the Census schedules, are not located here (except for one series from 1790). Census Area materials do not circulate.

The Census Area Arrangement

  1. Statistical Abstract of the United States

  2. 1st -16th Decennial Censuses of the United States (1790-1940)
    Arranged by year. Note: the only part of the published statistical census to list personal names was the Heads of Households volume of the 1790 Census. (Delaware information no longer exists; volumes were destroyed by fire)

  3. Alphabetical Order section
    Agriculture and Economic census reports, arranged alphabetically, then in order by year. Also 17th - 20th Decennial censuses (1950-1980) arranged alphabetically by name of census (Housing, Population, or Population & Housing), then by year and by Superintendent of Documents call numbers.
    • Agriculture (1925-1987)
    • Business (1933-1967)
    • Construction Industries (1972-1987)
    • Government (1957-1987)
    • Government Employment
    • Government Finance (1938-1989)
    • Housing (1950-1980; includes Block Statistics 1950-1970)
    • Manufactures (1914-1987)
    • Mineral Industries (1954-1987)
    • Population (1950-1980; includes Census Tract Statistics 1950)
    • Population & Housing (1960-1980; includes Census Tract Statistics 1960-1980 and Block Statistics 1980)
    • Retail Trade (1972-1987)
    • Service Industries (1972-1987)
    • Transportation (1963-1987)
    • Wholesale Trade (1972-1987)
  4. Call number order section (SuDocs call numbers)