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Constitution Day 2016: WE, the People

Rare Original Copies of Drafts

As Constitution turns 225, rare drafts go on display (2012)

A member of the news media photographs President George Washington's personally annotated copy of the Acts of Congress on Monday in Mount Vernon, VA

A member of the news media photographs President George Washington's personally annotated copy of the Acts of Congress on Monday in Mount Vernon, Va.

Madison's Annotated Drafts of the Committee of Style

Printed document with Madison's holograph annotations. Madison Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress

Edmund Randolph's Proof of the Committee of Detail's draft

August (1-5)? The Committee of Detail compiled all the work from the convention's sessions and sent this document to the convention's printers David Claypoole and John Dunlap. This is the proof copy returned to the Committee. Edmund Randolph (from Virginia) proofread the copy, made eleven corrections and returned the proof to Claypoole and Dunlap to have printed for the delegates when they assembled on August 6th.

Held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Only page one appears on the web. Note: On page one, in section 6, Randolph changed the older spelling "chuse" to "choose." (image enhanced)

Report of the Committee of Detail

August 6 print copies were distributed to the Convention. Notice the wide margin for annotations. This copy is held by the Library of Congress.

Washington's Annotations on the Committee of Detail's Draft

On the National Archives website. There is another copy on the DocsTeach website; the annotations may be easier to read.

Report of the Committee of Style

Click thumbnail to view pages 2 - 6.

Report of the Committee of Style: Annotated by George Washington

Report of the Committee of Style: Annotated by Jacob Broom

This copy is held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.