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ENGL110 class page

Creating Multimodal Projects

In addition to the multimedia project pages on this guide, the Student Multimedia Design Center has in-depth guides for creating different types of multimedia projects. 

   Video Projects

     Audio/Podcast Projects

    Graphic Design Projects


Student Multimedia Design Center (SMDC)

The Student Multimedia Design Center (located on the lower level of Morris Library) has everything you need to create your multimodal project. Borrow equipment, use editing software on Windows or Mac desktops, reserve a studio to record or edit your project. 

SMDC staff can help you get started with new software and can answer questions as you go. Email or stop by the SMDC desk during its open hours to get help. 


Multimedia Tips and Tricks

Check out Multimedia Tips and Tricks which posts weekly articles and videos that cover commonly asked questions at the SMDC on different aspects of multimedia creation! 

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Digital Storytelling Video

Multimodal projects are a form of digital storytelling. Watch this video before you start your project to learn about the five stages of putting a digital story together! Digital stories can include videos, podcasts, websites, Public Service Announcements, documentaries and more.

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