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Standards & Styles

Best Practices for Reusing Pages

The LibGuides system allows you to reuse a page of content from another editor's guide or one of your own. Use the best practices described below to choose a method for reusing a page, and visit the Springshare support site for step-by-step instructions for reusing pages.


If you want to reuse all of the content from a page and you don't need to edit any of the content, you should choose to map the page to your guide. The original page will be flagged, alerting its editor that any changes made to the original page will affect the page on your guide as well. One benefit to this method is that when content is updated on the original page, your page will be update automatically, too.


When you would like to reuse specific elements of a page but will need to do a lot of editing, you should consider creating a new page and reusing only the content items or content boxes you won't need to change. You can find more information about this in the Adding Content section of this guide.

If you would like to reuse most of the content on a page with only minor edits, you may create a copy of the page on your own guide. NOTE: By using this method you will create a copy of each content item on the page. If you later decide to remove these items, many of them will remain in the Assets repository even though they are not being used. Contact the LibGuides administrator to learn how to clean up your unused assets from the repository.


If you want to create a page that will take your users away from your guide to a different guide, or a specific page on a different guide, you can use a redirect URL.

What else can be reused?

Just as with pages, you can reuse other elements within the LibGuides system rather than creating them again and again. Best practices for reusing content in your guides are included in the Adding Content section of this guide.