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UNIV 120 / ARSC 120 Transfer Seminars

Getting Started with Research

This guide outlines strategies and tools that will help you complete your research and multimodal projects for English 110. 

  • Developing a Topic: As you start your research, give yourself some time to gather background information and think through different components of your topic. This will help you come up with a creative, engaging topic to investigate!
  • Searching for Sources: From DELCAT to library databases to the open web, you have a lot of options for search tools.
  • Evaluating: Many components go into deciding if a source is relevant and useful for your topic. Doing an in-depth evaluation of your sources during the research process will help you use sources more effectively in your writing. 
  • Creating Multimedia: When you need to create a podcast, infographic, or other multimedia, it helps to plan your creation process and know about all of the tools available to you. 
  • Citing: Giving credit to your sources is an important part of participating in scholarly conversations. 
  • Getting Help: All researchers need help sometimes! There are several options for learning research skills and getting help from librarians.

Doing Background Research

When you start a research project, background research can help you:

  • Understand the size and scope of a potential topic
  • Find subtopics that interest you
  • Learn key terminology for the topic
  • Identify influential people and events 
  • Discover highly-cited sources about the topic

Resources for Background Research

In addition to doing a general online search or consulting online reference sources like Wikipedia, try these library resources to find background information about your topic: 

Strategies for Exploring a Topic