IMF Data
A portal to data from the International Monetary Fund. Includes International Financial Statistics, Balance of Payments Statistics, Direction of Trade Statistics, Government Finance Statistics, and more. Data are freely available effective 2015.
International Energy Agency (IEA)
IEA is an intergovernmental organization which provides data and reports on all aspect of energy across 28 member countries.
Google Public Data
Charts and graphs that illustrate a changing world. Based on public data from government agencies (e.g., Census) and organizations (e.g., World Bank). Uses can also import eligible datasets to create customized visualizations.
A portal for International labor statistics by International Labour Office. Data include employment, unemployment, wages, etc.
Provides access to data sets from multiple international organizations. Covers many topics including energy, environment, finance, industry, labor, trade, and more.
World Bank Data
Free data sets and research reports from the World Bank, including World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance, World Development Report, Global Economic Monitor, and more.