For more information on who can submit content to UDSpace, see "Who may submit."
- Check to determine if the material you are submitting is appropriate for UDSpace. See our Content Collection Policy for more information.
- If a community and collection exists already for your department or program, check the main UDSpace list of communities to see if a community lead is listed. If one is listed, email that person. If no lead is listed, email the UDSpace Team at
- Prepare your material for deposit by checking your file formats and sizes, and gathering appropriate metadata. If you are uncertain about how to provide metadata, ask the community lead, or your contact from the UDSpace Team.
- Once your material is ready for deposit, send it to the community lead, or your contact, according to their instructions.
- When you have been notified that your material is available in UDSpace, visit the link to check that the material you deposited is showing as you expected.
- Use the persistent URL for your material to share it on your website, social media, or anywhere else you'd like to make your research available!