Reports: a bill is reported from the committee to the floor of the Congress. The Report describes the bill, summarizes committee opinion, and discusses issues. Bills are seldom reported unfavorably; the bill is simply left to "die in committee." Reports are usually considered the best evidence of "legislative intent."
Documents: various types of materials are published as House or Senate Documents. Included are: Congressional Committee Prints, Presidential messages, budget amendments, vetoes; annual reports of federal agencies; reference materials; and miscellaneous reports from quasi-governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations.
Reports and Documents are first published individually and later republished in the bound Serial Set. There is a 3 to 5 year time lag before publication in the Serial Set.
Serial Set:
The U.S. Congressional Serial Set is the permanent bound record of Congressional Reports and Documents as well as any Executive Reports and Documents submitted to Congress. The Serial Set also contains miscellaneous reports from quasi-governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations such as, the Boy Scouts of America.
Serial Set volume numbers begin with the year 1817 (15th Congress). Due to the publishing history of the Serial Set, few libraries have a complete set of the bound volumes.
American State Papers: Prior to the Serial Set, the same types of papers are called The American State Papers (ASP). ASP volume numbers begin with zero.
The U.S. Congressional Serial Set is bound by session of Congress. It began publication with the 15th Congress, 1st Session (1817). Documents before 1817 are found in the American State Papers, which can be accessed via the A-Z Databases page. The Serial Set does not include Congressional hearings and debates.
House and Senate Reports are usually from congressional committees dealing with proposed legislation and issues under investigation. They include all other papers ordered printed by the House or Senate. Documents cover a wide variety of topics and may include reports of executive departments and independent organizations, reports of special investigations made for Congress, and annual reports of non-governmental organizations. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Executive branch materials were also published in the Serial Set.
After 1994, GPO and the Library of Congress provide digital access to most of the continuing Serial Set materials.
It is possible to search the U.S. Congressional Serial Set Maps directly.
This collection can also be searched on Readex AllSearch, an integrated platform that combines Readex’s primary sources into a single cross-searchable interface.
Contains thousdand of law-related journals on a variety of subjects, all dating back to inception with over 90% available through the current issue or volume. Subject related collections are often curated and made available.
The Government Publishing Office, in conjunction with the Law Library of Congress, has begun to digitized and make publicly available the full expanse of the Serial Set. The project will take a number of years, but you can find the earliest volumes already available online here.
The University of Delaware Library has a collection of bound Serial Set volumes. Older editions can be accessed online.
Volumes from 1994 to present are located in our Annex location. Fill out this form to request materials from Annex.
House and Senate Documents and Reports, constituting a rich set of primary source documents. Covers a variety of topics and may include reports of executive departments and independent organizations, reports of special investigations, etc. (Coverage: 1817-1994)
The U.S. Congressional Serial Set is bound by session of Congress. It began publication with the 15th Congress, 1st Session (1817). Documents before 1817 are found in the American State Papers, which can be accessed via the A-Z Databases page. The Serial Set does not include Congressional hearings and debates.
House and Senate Reports are usually from congressional committees dealing with proposed legislation and issues under investigation. They include all other papers ordered printed by the House or Senate. Documents cover a wide variety of topics and may include reports of executive departments and independent organizations, reports of special investigations made for Congress, and annual reports of non-governmental organizations. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Executive branch materials were also published in the Serial Set.
After 1994, GPO and the Library of Congress provide digital access to most of the continuing Serial Set materials.
It is possible to search the U.S. Congressional Serial Set Maps directly.
This collection can also be searched on Readex AllSearch, an integrated platform that combines Readex’s primary sources into a single cross-searchable interface.