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BUAD110 The Basic of Business

Industry and Company Research

Sources for Industry Classification:

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): A standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.  NAICS  codes play an important role in industry research and it is very important in conducting good Industry research and Analysis.

Examples: 722511  (Restaurants);  423450  (Medical Equipment & Devices) ;541921 (Photography Studios) and 812113 (Nail Salons )

The IBISWorld Industry Report database has specialized industry report codes. These codes cover special industries and provides analysis for new industries or specialized products not captured by NAICS. Example:  OD4260 - Candle Manufacturing.

These databases can be used to identify NAICS: Search for company by name  and the company record will show assigned codes.

Industry And Company Analysis

A review of the industry  and company issues that can impact the industry and business operations such economics, political, business cycles, government regulations, revenue size, risks, employment, etc. (See also section on  RISK Analysis)

Recommended Databases: