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ERC Transition

The ERC is being transitioned into an unstaffed space. This means the ERC will be open all the hours of the Willard Hall Education Building and the service desk will not be staffed. The space and collections will still be accessible in the ERC, but patrons will get assistance in other ways. Morris Library staff will check the space weekly for books to check-in and re-shelve, as they do with the Physics and Chemistry branch libraries.

There will be a self-checkout machine available for patrons to check out materials.

Please check the ERC FAQ for more information as we make this transition.


The ERC includes a variety of focused collections designed for pre-service teachers. You can view these collections in the catalog using the links below.

Social-Emotional Learning Collection

Children and adults browse books at a library

Early Childhood Collection

Three children color with markers

Assistive Technology Equipment Collection

Three children working at a computer