Many of the most current titles in our collection are in eBook format. Visit the following guide for information on eBooks in the social sciences, as well as links to open access collections, and other subject-specific eBook collections.
Books and other material not held by the University of Delaware Library may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan. This service is available to UD faculty, students and staff.
Books in the Library are grouped together by subject. Education books are located on the third floor of the library within the L section. Here is how the L section of the Library is divided.
L - General
LA - History of Education
LB - Theory and practice of education
LC - Special aspects of education
LD-LG - Individual institutions
LH - College & school publications
LJ - Student fraternities & organizations (US)
LT - Textbooks
Education is closely connected to other disciplines including psychology (BF309-499 Cognition and Learning), child development (HQ 768-799), and law (KF4100-4260). Remember that you will often find relevant materials in different areas of the collection.
You can go into the stacks and browse through the L section, but because the library's collection is so large, it is almost always more efficient to search for books (or eBooks) using the library website.