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Finding Published Tests and Measurements

The Library does not keep copies of testing instruments. However, we do have resources to help researchers to locate test descriptions and the contact information of test publishers. With this information, researchers can contact the publisher to learn the cost and availability of the tests, and how to obtain them. 

Finding Unpublished Tests and Measurements

Information about unpublished tests usually appears in journal articles.  There are several ways to discover an unpublished measurement within the literature.


The following directories can help researchers to locate unpublished tests:

  • Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures:  This valuable directory provides researchers and students easy access to recently developed experimental mental measures, tests, and surveys that are not commercially available.  Call Number:   (ANNEX) BF431 .G625 2008  
  • ETS Test Link:  A free, online database of more than 25,000 tests and other measurement devices, most of which were created by authors outside the Educational Testing Service.  It contains information about tests from the early 1900s to the present.

Searching the Literature:

If you cannot find a test that suits your needs either in the sources for published tests or in the directories listed above, you may be able to locate a test of interest by searching within the scholarly literature by using the following databases.

Online Resources for Finding Known Tests

Searching for Information on Testing

For books about educational tests and measures, search DELCAT Discovery.  the following searches reliably group test-related books together:

  • SU: Educational tests and measurements
  • SU: Psychological tests
  • SU: Aptitude tests
  • SU:  Intelligence tests

Subject headings are often best searched as phrases.  To search for a phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks.

The following call numbers cover the areas of educational testing and measurement:

  • LB1762 (Teaching Exams)
  • LB3051 - LB3060 (Educational Tests and Measurements