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BUAD 301- Introduction To Marketing (General): Citing your work

Tools and Resources for Citing Your Work

Note: Correct citations must be provided for all sources used in this assignment.

Citing your work correctly is very important. Failure to cite correctly will be considered plagiarism, which carries serious penalty. Please see the "Academic Integrity" section of the University of Delaware Student CODE OF CONDUCT.  

The Library has tools and guides to assist you with citations in many formats such as APA, MLA, etc. See the Research Guide: Citing Your Work.

Many academic databases (such as Business Source Premier, ABI/Inform Global, and others) provide citation for articles. When you find an article you want to use, look for Cite, Citing, etc. on the tool section to get the article citation. As the citations are machine generated, they may constian mistakes - do your due diligence and confirm they are correct.

There are also many freely available tools for creating citations.  Here are some good tools:

If you need further assistance with citation, contact a citation expert at the Citing Your Sources page. You can also contact any Librarian at the staff page, or you can chat with a librarian on duty via the Ask the Library Services.